We invite all people and institutions in the higher education system who are committed to more sustainable development of society and of their university in research, teaching, and operations to become part of a large network that constructively accompanies the transformation process by becoming a member of the DG HochN (German Society for Sustainability at Higher Education Institutions; German: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltigkeit an Hochschulen e.V.)
The DG HochN supports higher education institutions (HEI) and individual actors who are committed to sustainable development in the higher education system and want to support it through research, transfer and application. It acts as an exchange and expert platform for sustainability at HEI, and connects change agents across organizational and status group boundaries.
Our aim is to enable as many German higher education institutions as possible to learn from each other in the context of sustainability and to mutually benefit from experiences. In the DG HochN-network, individual university members, as well as faculties and institutional members, are invited to become involved as members to develop concrete measures for sustainable development in the university system.
DG HochN makes sustainable development visible at higher education institutions in Germany and strengthens sustainability protagonists in the higher education sector through knowledge exchange and joint work. In addition, DG HochN cooperates with other national and international sustainability-oriented networks as well as with representatives from German ministries of higher education.
The BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research in Germany) funded a large-scale research consortium consisiting of 11 universities called HochN (‘Sustainability at Higher Education Institutions’, 2016-2021). As a private association, DG HochN continues to maintain the established network and disseminates the materials and findings that were developed in the HochN project.
DG HochN offers a platform for German higher education institutions of all kinds. We offer services to association members including university administrations, professors, academic or administrative staff as well as students.
DG HochN - Recommendations for Action (2022) - PDF 243 KB
The DG HochN policy hub has published a paper with recommendations for action in April 2021, translated in January 2022.
Universities facing Climate Change and Sustainability (2021, Koerber Foundation / GUC Hamburg) PDF 2.2 MB
Demele, U.; Nölting, B.; Crewett, W.; Georgiev, G. Sustainability Transfer as a Concept for Universities in Regional Transformation—A Case Study. Sustainability 2021, 13, 4956. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13094956
Kahle, J.; Risch, K.; Wanke, A.; Lang, D.J. Strategic Networking for Sustainability: Lessons Learned from Two Case Studies in Higher Education.
Sustainability 2018, 10, 4646.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltigkeit an Hochschulen e.V. - DG HochN
Im DG HochN Newsletter informieren wir in unregelmäßigen Abständen über relevante Veranstaltungen, Aktivitäten und Ergebnisse.
Carry Luise Zimmermann